Technical & Engineering Services

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Program management

Program and technical analysis

We provide program level operational and technical mission support across multiple disciplines to deliver innovative approaches for customer focused mission success. These services include all phases of the system development lifecycle.

Engineering, design, implementation and support

Systems design and development toward implementation

Our teams combine expertise from multiple disciplines to design, develop, implement and support systems for enterprise solutions, space exploration, and defense systems.

Security planning

Information technology (IT) security services

We provide customized organizational risk-based security planning. With our comprehensive analysis systems and networks for compliance with security standards, we generate detailed reports and remediation recommendations.

Administration, management and fiscal planning

Business services for all sizes

Our team of management professionals consult with organizations to provide streamlined processes and procedures for daily operations. We provide analysis, administrative tools, software, and policies to enhance organizational objectives.

Systems integration

Systems architecture and design

We leverage our systems engineering expertise and service oriented architecture (SOA) principles to modernize customers to more resilient frameworks that integrate proven and innovative technologies and solutions. We provide integration support for pathfinder missions and ground support operations.